Whether you’re looking for a new way to organize and share the family travel photos, or you’re a wedding photographer snapping and delivering thousands of pictures a week, we show you the skills you need to make life easier. No matter what you capture, Lightroom’s got your back. If you’re a working photographer, chances are that you take a lot of different types of photos. Because it’s cloud-based, it allows you to retain your edits across your devices, share photos easily with others, and enjoy the peace of mind of automatic back-ups. Each one does, roughly, what it sounds like. On top of the Library and Develop modules, Lightroom also has a Map, Book, Slideshow, Print, and Web module. To post-process your photos, you need to enter the Develop module.

We show you how to take advantage of Lightroom from the moment you pop that card into the computer–from import to export, and everything in between. How to Use Lightroom CC: Guide for Beginners The Basics Lightroom CC is a cloud-based app that allows you to work seamlessly across desktop, mobile, and web. To organize your photos, you need to enter the Library module. Maybe you are just starting out with Lightroom or Photoshop and need to gain an understanding of.

remember this is a way for you to get started in Lightroom quickly but is not meant to be. This tutorial is ideal for beginner and intermediate users. Memory card packed with thousands of photos? No problem. This is an overview of everything in Lightroom that you will want to know if you are just starting out. Lightroom has evolved over the years to become a photo editing and management powerhouse. This is the most comprehensive, easy-to-follow Lightroom tutorial out there! Lightroom Classic CC We show you every single step of the Lightroom workflow, from adding copyright data, to choosing your favorite images, to making detailed adjustments to help your photos look their best. Lightroom Classic CC is the go-to software for professional photographers to organize, edit, and export their work.