When he bunts the ball, me being a good catcher, I wannathrow the guy out at first base. And Tomorrow's pitching.Ĭostello: All we've got is a couple of days on the team.Ĭostello: Now suppose that I'm catching, Tomorrow's pitchingon my team and their heavy hitter gets up.Ĭostello: Tomorrow throws the ball. Iwanna know what's the pitcher's name.Ĭostello: Today. But we don't want him there.Ĭostello: What's the guy's name on third base?Ĭostello: I'll break your arm if you say Who's on first. We have on the bags - wehave Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know's on third.Ībbott: I say Who's on first, What's on second, I Don'tKnow's on third -Ĭostello: I'm not askin' you who's on second.Ībbott: He's on third - now we're not talkin' 'bout him.Ĭostello: Now, how did I get on third base?Ĭostello: If I mentioned the third baseman's name, who did Isay is playing third?Ĭostello: Never mind first - I wanna know what's the guy'sname on third.Ĭostello: Aaah! Would you please stay on third base anddon't go off it?Ībbott: Now why do you insist on putting Who on third base?Ĭostello: Why? Who am I putting over there?Ībbott: Yes. You knowsometimes nowadays they give ballplayers peculiar names.Ībbott: Nicknames, pet names, like Dizzy Dean -Ībbott: Goofy, huh? Now let's see. Do you know the guys'names?Ĭostello: So you go ahead and tell me some of their names.Ībbott: Well, I'll introduce you to the boys.

Abbott: I say Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know's on third - Costello: You know the fellows' names? Abbott: Certainly! Costello: Well then who's on first? Abbott: Yes! Costello: I mean the fellow's name! Abbott: Who! Costello: The guy on first! Abbott: Who! Costello: The first baseman!ĭate: Sun, 14:17:47 -0400Subject: Who's on First?Ībbott and Costello's "Who's on First?"***************************************Abbott: Alright, now whaddya want?Ĭostello: Now look, I'm the head of the sports department. We have on the bags - we have Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know's on third. Abbott: Nicknames, pet names, like Dizzy Dean - Costello: His brother Daffy - Abbott: Daffy Dean - Costello: And their cousin! Abbott: Who's that? Costello: Goofy! Abbott: Goofy, huh? Now let's see. You know sometimes nowadays they give ballplayers peculiar names. Abbott: Well, I'll introduce you to the boys. Costello: So you go ahead and tell me some of their names. Do you know the guys' names? Abbott: Oh sure.

I gotta know the baseball players' names.